segunda-feira, março 12, 2007

Mais uma!! (ainda não é desta)

Na ultima postagem que fiz tive a infeliz ideia de prometer.... ok... dizer, que a postagem seguite (que seria esta) falaria sobre os "Charlie".... pois, mas não é desta que terei o enorme prazer e orgulho em apresentar-vos.... talvez numa próxima.
Em todo o caso, deixo-vos sim com a minha mais nova "escrita", acabadinha de "fazer".
Para quem ler e gostar, comentem.... para quem ler e não gostar, comentem na mesma se assim for de vossa vontade. Para os que se sentirem picados.... be my gest, feel free to say what you wish.... bring it on!

I´m through with you!

I saw you, you’ve been busted
No more lies, no more tries
No more tears, no more fears
Just me myself and I

You’re not the victim
Only a selfish and hypocrite guy
Why cry for someone like you?
No pain no game, right?

But, enough is enough
And I had it!
I’m through with you.

Forgiveness, you don’t deserve that shit
It does not apply to your person,
Your weakness makes me laugh
Cause you haven’t got balls to admit your mistakes,
You just run away from the pain.

Flash news big boy, you’ve been busted
I caught you and your dirty little secret.
But guess what? It didn’t bother me at all
I only thought, “There he goes again”!

But, enough is enough
I’m sick and tired
I’m through with you.

For god’s sake, stop and think.
Look to how ridiculous you became
Playing the same game
Does it still gives you any fun?

Like I said,
Enough is enough
I’m on my way
You had your chance
You’ve been busted
I’m through with you!